Expert information about grief after suicide -- plus links to nearly a hundred of the top resources for survivors of suicide loss and those who care for them -- are available from the Suicide Grief Support Quick Reference. The free online tool features content that is up-to-date and dependable, including:
• Introduction - Suicide Grief Support: Explains survivors' experiences and needs, describes reactions to trauma, and covers how to be helpful• Resources for Survivors: Links to websites, booklets, and handouts designed for survivors, and offers information on support groups, school and community postvention, and special populations (such as the military and people of color)
• Resources for Children: Lists websites, materials, and information about how to help children after a suicide
• Online Support for Survivors: Provides links to discussion forums, listservs, chat rooms, and blogs especially for survivors of suicide
• Guidance for Caregivers: Points to information on key principles as well as to resources for survivors who are also caregivers
People are urged to share the Quick Reference with survivors and caregivers using its abbreviated website address (, and all of the content can be downloaded for free as a slideshow or PDF document. For more information, please contact Franklin Cook or visit his website at or the Grief after Suicide blog at